Thursday, March 28, 2013

Scope of Ayurveda in Management of Lifestyle Disorders in Present Perspective

A disease accompanied with the way a person or group of people lives is called Life style disorder. Life style disease includes digestive problems like constipation, bloating, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes.
Now a days,it is observed that there has been a significant difference in the Life style of the urban young population compared to the traditional, rather " disciplined style of living". It is seen that life style adopted by majority of the youth is extremely disorganized and unhealthy and is further coupled with a faulty diet. Young employees are constantly engaged in the monotonous and immobile practice of hours in front of computer screen. These practices of long sitting hours, alcohol intake, smoking, junk food consumption are contributing to a number of diseases like Stroke, Obesity and Digestive problems like constipation which may in turn leads to diseases like haemorrhoids, Fissure in ano etc.

Studies say that possibility of Indians suffering from a life style disease is 4% more than one of any other nationality. The situation demands a general growth of awareness among today's youth and shaking them from their complacencies towards the self-destructive life style, they have adoptedand requires to make them realize the dangers posed by it. And that they should adopt a healthy and active life style combined with healthy eating habits.Because unhealthy living style affects health adversely. 

Sleep: The amount of sleep and changes in sleep pattern can affect our bowel habits. Just like the rest of our body our digestive system needs time to relax and recuperate. In current urban life style and specially youth working late night don't get enough sleep, which is often accompanied by late night snacking. Sedentary habits as long working hours without regular exercise makes the digestive system sluggish and leadsto feeling of bloatedness,wind, lethargy, constipation etc.

Alcohol: Excessive alcohol can negatively affect our health including our digestion. Most of those who drink know a hangover with a throbbing headache and irritation in tummy which is most potent when it is consumed empty stomach or in large amounts. Alcohol puts tremendous pressure on Liver.

Smoking: Smoking can contribute to Heart burn, Hyper acidity and Ulcers.It also raises the risk of Inflammatory disorders like Crohn's disease which can be causative factor for Fissure in ano.

Stress: Excessive stress can be pathogenic. Stress induces production of Adrenaline which speeds up the rate at which food is passed through the body. 

Dehydration: For the healthy function of human body drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is the minimum. A common affect of dehydration on digestive system is Constipation.

Junk Food: They are low in fibrous content and nutrition value. Eating excessive junk food may lead to deficiency disorders and because of low fibrous content can cause constipation which itself is a root cause of many diseases.

All these factors of unhealthy life style may lead to constipation which is both adisease and causative factor for many other diseases like piles and fissure etc, Damage to liver by alcohol and smoking may also play their role in the development of these diseases.

Ayurveda can play an important role in the prevention and management of these diseases. Ayurveda consider health and disease both as the product of food and life style. A positive land disciplined life style and wholesome food promotes positive health and prevent disease. It is in tune with this concept that Ayurveda evolved intensive life style care and advocated adoption of Swasthavritta, Sadavritta, And Achara in all spheres of life. Such codes of life and health conducts relate to personal, social as well as spiritual dimensions of an individual. The concept of Ayoga, Atiyoga, and Mithya yoga of Kala, Budhhi, Indriyarth as three fundamental causes of diseases truly refers to the errors of life-style stress for which the only real management is Nidana Pariwarjana and positive life style.

1. Follow healthy eating habits: Avoid junk food, eat healthy, nutritious , fiber rich diet, drink plenty of water. Avoid canned and frozen food. as much as it is important that what we eat, it is also important that how we consume our meals. We should have our food in sitting position and setteled environment, not standing, walking or driving our way through a meal. when we sit down to eat, our stomach is in  relaxed posture and our awareness is on the taste, texture and smell of the food. This will greatly improve digestion.

2. Eat 1 inch piece of fresh ginger with a few drops of lemon juice and a few pinches of salt on it before a full meal. This starts to activate the salivary glands, producing the necessary enzymes so that the nutrients of the food are easily absorbed by the body after its proper digestion.

3. Avoid cold drinks at meal and ice cold food in general. This leads to Mandaagni.

4. Ayurveda recommends having the largest meal between 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. and a small breakfast and small dinner. In addition all six tastes should be incorporated in each meal (Sweet, sour, Salty , Bitter, Pungent, and Astringent)

5. Follow healthy sleeping habits: by sleeping early (before 10 P.M.) and waking early (before 6 A.M.).

6. Have a healthy morning: In the morning drink a warm glass of water with lemon juice. Massage yourself with warm oil. Indulge in some type of Meditation everyday. Do exercise daily.

7. Yoga and Meditation: Regular practice of Yoga and Meditation will increase your ability to deal with stress. It leads to healthier mind and body.

8. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

9. Have a Positive Attitude

All these have positive affects on Digestive System. Healthy food, digested properly leads to good health by absorbing all the nutrients and also healthy bowel habits i.e. no constipation or diarrhoea which are important causative factors for the diseases like piles and fissure. Nodana pariwarjana and positive life style are real management for these diseases but if at all these diseases develop, then in the diseased condition also Ayurveda can manage them very well  by Conservative Management like herbal and herbo- mineral preperations and medicated oils which are used locally in the anal canal and by it's proven Kshar Chikitsa in the form of Kshar lepa and Kshar sutra.

But Prevention is Always Better Than Cure. And there is need to adopt a positive healthy life style not only to be away from the diseases but to live a happy, healthy, contended, spiritually enlightened life.